Beach Media, business operations for the Daily Forty-Niner, DIG , EÑYE and Beach TV News at California State University, Long Beach (CSULB), is always looking for talented, hardworking CSULB students to join our student-run business team. All Beach Media positions are designed to help students receive instruction and gain real-life experience at a media company. The best candidates will be organized self-starters who are passionate about CSULB and campus media.  

Minimum Qualifications for All Positions

  1. Must be a CSULB student, enrolled in 6 units or more, maintaining a minimum 2.0 GPA. Open to all majors.

  2. Strong written, verbal and interpersonal communication skills.

  3. Strong attention to detail; ability to take initiative.

  4. Strong organizational and time management skills.

  5. Self-motivated with a positive attitude.

  6. Effectively work in a team and independently.

  7. Ability to work with diverse populations and keep confidential information.

  8. Proficient in Microsoft Office 365 and Google Drive.

    Experience with Slack, Click Up and Hubspot a plus.

  9. Knowledge of the Daily Forty-Niner, DIG, EÑYE and Beach TV News.

Director of Business Operations

Directs all Beach Media operations including administrative tasks, budgeting and invoicing, fundraising, financial planning, human resources, facilities management, communication and project management. Also ensures all Beach Media teams including advertising sales, distribution management, creative services, PR and promotions, and web and technology support, are following through on projects and meeting deadlines. Mentored by the Faculty Adviser.

Business Coordinator

Supports the business manager in all operations for the student media outlets, including administration, financial management, human resources, facilities maintenance, communication and project management. Also takes a lead role in coordinating the annual student media fundraising campaign. Reports to Director of Business Operations.

Accounting Assistant

Supports the business manager in bookkeeping, accounting, budgeting and financial management. Ensures accounting functions for the student media outlet run efficiently, smoothly and transparently. Reports to Director of Business Operations.

Advertising Manager

Leads the advertising team in all efforts to increase advertising revenue for all student media entities. Prioritizes and delegates projects, tracks advertisements from sale through completion, manages all advertising initiatives and ensures sales goals are met or exceeded. Identifies new clients and ensures clients are satisfied from the start of their ad campaign to the completion. Reports to Director of Business Operations, mentored by Faculty Adviser.

Advertising Account Coordinator

Responsible for selling digital and print advertising space for all student media outlets, achieving or exceeding all sales goals set. Makes connections with potential advertising clients, as well as maintains excellent relationships with current and former ad clients. Reports to Advertising Manager. This position is eligible for Federal Work Study.

Traffic Coordinator

Supports the advertising team in effective project management from confirming the ad sale, through providing proof of run. Tasks include, but are not limited to, client communication, task organization, overseeing artwork design, consistently updating ad schedule, posting social media and digital ads, ensuring artwork is available by deadline, communicating with editorial teams, invoicing, payments, and client follow-up. The traffic coordinator also works with other Beach Media teams on any cross-divisional projects. Reports to Advertising Manager.

Advertising Assistant

Supports the advertising team in researching potential new clients and updating contact information for current clients, including importing contacts into HubSpot, checking general mailbox and voicemail, and distributing incoming leads. The advertising assistant also works with the traffic coordinator to help organize the ads schedule, ensure ads are running properly and pull proofs. Reports to Advertising Manager. Reports to Advertising Manager.

Creative Director

Supports the business team by producing innovative ideas for branding, promotional and marketing campaigns, shapes brand standards, heads creative development of brand campaigns and ensures brand guidelines are being followed. Manages graphic designers, photographers and video assistants. Oversees all advertising and promotional creative projects, ensuring projects are completed on time and are of the highest quality. Reports to Director of Business Operations, mentored by Faculty Adviser.

Graphic Designer

Supports the Creative Director by creating and designing digital and print artworks for advertising, marketing, social media and other creative projects. Works with the business team to produce new ideas for branding, promotional campaigns, and marketing communications. Reports to Creative Director. This position is eligible for Federal Work Study.

Photo & Video Assistant

Supports the creative team by coordinating, organizing and executing photo and video projects such as staff pictures, campus stock images and videos, event recaps and any other creative needs. May also help develop creative projects, depending on prior experience. Reports to Creative Director.

Distribution Manager

Supports the business team by overseeing all efforts to distribute print and digital content for the student media outlets, including monitoring and driving traffic to digital distribution channels (website, social media, podcast, YouTube, etc.), physically distributing print copies, analyzing pick-up rates and impression numbers, and strategizing new and unique ways to increase readership. Reports to Director of Business Operations, mentored by Faculty Adviser.

Analytics Coordinator

Supports the distribution, public relations and business teams in all efforts to quantify business and editorial efforts and make recommendations for improvement based on data. Responsible for updating and maintaining current databases, presenting monthly analytics updates in a visual medium, tracking and allocating physical print publications, and assisting in on-campus distribution. Reports to Distribution Manager.

PR & Marketing Director

Supports the business team in all efforts to increase brand awareness for the student media entities, including coordinating all public relations activities, planning promotional events, strategizing new and unique ways to increase brand awareness, developing a PR and promotion plan for the academic year, overseeing media relations, and coordinating strategic partnerships. Reports to Director of Business Operations, mentored by Faculty Adviser.

Digital Marketing Manager

Oversees all digital promotional efforts, including implementing SEO strategies to increase online visibility, boosting social media posts and creating strategies to increase engagement on digital platforms. Oversees Beach Media’s influencer marketing campaign. Manages Beach Media’s digital properties including the staff blog, social media channels, and website promotional content. Alerts relevant people, organizations and interested parties about relevant stories in student media outlets. Reports to PR & Marketing Director, mentored by Faculty Adviser.

PR & Events Coordinator

Organizes and coordinates logistics for events such as Beach Media Fest, SOAR, Bookstore Bash, Beach Media Newsstand Pop-Ups, Week of Welcome, and more. Assists PR & Marketing Director in working with external partners and clients to produce collaborative events, manages the New Student Survival Guide development, and coordinates team bonding and volunteer events for the business and editorial teams. Reports to PR & Marketing Director.

PR & Marketing Assistant

Supports the PR and marketing team in all digital marketing, public relations and event coordination activities. Assists the PR & Marketing Manager with overall strategy, timelines and project coordination; the Digital Marketing Manager with social media content, staff blogs and influencer marketing management; and the PR & Events Coordinator with event logistics and project management. Reports to PR & Marketing Director.

Web & Technology Director

Responsible for designing, managing, maintaining and improving websites for all student media outlets and the Beach Media business team. Additionally, works with the JPR Department and College of Liberal Arts to help maintain and troubleshoot issues with hardware and software including computers, printers, content management tools, email and cloud file sharing systems. Reports Director of Business Operations, mentored by Faculty Adviser.

Web & Technology Coordinator

Supports the Web & Technology Manager in all website management and technology maintenance including keeping websites secure and working properly, identifying potential problems and proactively troubleshooting. Oversees student media inclusion on screens across campus and helps with processing any technology requests. Reports to Web & Technology Director.

Web & Technology Assistant

Supports the Web & Technology team by coordinating project requests, assisting with website updates, running periodic checks for bugs, glitches, broken links, slow site speed, etc., and helps research and recommend SEO optimization strategies. Reports to Web & Technology Director.

Business, Advertising & Public Relations Faculty Adviser

Mentors and advises student-led business team for student media operations including business, advertising, creative, distribution, public relations, marketing, and web and technology. Conducts staff trainings, meets weekly with management team, and meets monthly with entire business team. Acts as liaison between the student-led business team and the JPR Department, College of Liberal Arts and university staff and administrators. Responsible for keeping student media outlet budgets, awards budgets, creating and submitting IRA proposals, and cash handling. Ensures department, college and university policies and procedures are being followed. Reports to Department of Journalism & Public Relations Chair.